As Philadelphia plans to move toward the Green Phase of restarting, businesses should reopen with care by following the City’s Safety Checklist, called “Safe Mode,” to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Last week, the City released Reopening with Care, Philadelphia’s strategy for moving to the Green Phase of reopening post COVID-19. The Department of Public Health has provided industry-specific reopening guidance for the activities that are newly allowed in the Green Phase beginning July 3 in Philadelphia if targets are met.

· As businesses reopen, they are encouraged to download, print, and hang these informational posters.

· INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC GUIDANCE: Recommendations for different types of businesses and activities are detailed in a separate set of industry-specific guidelines available here.


Restaurants that have patio areas on their properties or already have sidewalk café licenses can offer outdoor seating, as long as they follow COVID-19 safety precautions and have current, valid restaurant licenses.

Businesses without existing permits are encouraged to apply for our new outdoor dining options. Registration and approval is required for outdoor dining prior to opening. Learn more here.